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Reviews from Readers

Some readers have been kind enough to share their thoughts after reading the book.

Lou Roupoli

Hi Alan, Lou Roupoli here.

I was so proud of you regarding the article in the grapevine and the launching of your new book.

I look forward to reading it. I’m sure you captured the gut emotion, depth of concern, of what most of us had faced throughout the years in difficult times and yet rewarding times preserving human life.

I’ve always had the utmost respect for you as a paramedic, instructor, and of course, Chief Paramedic.

Your background, education and knowledge of the incident command system made you a fantastic command level officer.

How the years have passed and yet the insight to our lives on the fire department have been documented through your book. Our stories and experiences are always one generation away from extinction and yet you encapsulated a piece of our lives in fire department history for generations to come.

Your book is not just about you and your experiences but all of us in the fire service. I applaud you and thank you.

Your friend and brother always,
Lou Roupoli

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Elizabeth Meadows

Extremely thorough history of the L. A. Emergency Services told with an intimate and humble first hand account from Paramedic Chief Alan Cowen.  From the 1960's to the early 2000's, Chief Cowen has seen everything.  He also shares some very personal and absorbing anecdotal stories from the terrifying to the bizarre.  Some highlights are getting his perspective of the L.A. riots and the Northridge Earthquake and how both events crippled the city in many ways.  If you're interested in this world at all, definitely check it out.

Alan Hewitt

I have known Alan Cowen for over forty years and worked under his command at the LAFD.  The book takes you through the history and evolution of how the emergency medical services delivery system has evolved over the last 60 years, specifically within the city of Los Angeles.  His personal experiences and exceptional career in public service is remarkable.

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Mitch Plessner

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  Learned a ton about the history of Emergency Medical Services highlighted with Alan's experiences through it all.  I found the 1992 LA Riots and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake two of the highlights.  Easy to read with photos and original documents.  Good information for anyone interested in getting in the industry. 

Harvey Stone

Despite my long-standing relationship with the author of this book and extensive experience as an EMT, this is an unbiased review. The book is a captivating read that I wholeheartedly recommend.


The author presents a comprehensive yet engaging history of Los Angeles EMS. It chronicles his journey from "rookie EMT" to Chief Paramedic for the City of Los Angeles. The "rookie EMT" anecdotes reminded me of my early days as an EMT.


Particularly noteworthy were the chapters detailing the LA riots and the earthquakes of '71 and '94, which I found especially captivating.


An interesting fact, mentioned briefly at the end of the book, is that Chief Cowen is also Dr. Cowen, a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, and has been for the 30 years I've known him.


The author's progression from EMT to Paramedic, Assistant Fire Chief, Chief Paramedic, Professor, and now accomplished writer truly shines through in this work.

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